Vegan Swiss Älplermagronen
cooking recipe
Vegan Swiss Älplermagronen
How brilliant can you actually be when you come up with the brilliant idea of creating a dish that not only contains pasta but also potatoes?
Alpine farmers are herdsmen, i.e. shepherds who look after other farmers' cows on an alpine pasture and process their milk, while Magronen are based on Italian macaroni. Älplermagronen are basically a fusion dish that suits our tastes - almost as if someone had secretly listened to our dreams, because potatoes and pasta are surrounded by a creamy sauce, cheese and onions. As if that wasn't enough, you can also serve sweet applesauce or apple compote - can it actually get any better? I do not think so. What was a filling dish on the mountain pasture despite all the hard work is here...
Well, what are you waiting for?